“[T]he Alliance to End Chickens as Kaporos, a new group organized by United Poultry Concerns, has collected more than a thousand signatures
for an Internet petition and planned rallies for Sept. 12 . . . in Hasidic parts of Brooklyn.”- Religious News Service, Sept. 8, 2010
The Religious News Service, an authoritative source of news about religion, ethics, spirituality and morality issues, is running an article by RNS
reporter, Nicole Neroulias, about the “increasingly controversial custom” of swinging and slaughtering chickens in Kaporos
(“atonements”) rituals preceding Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement. “Animal rights activists, health officials and mainstream
Jews all cry foul over a sacrificial rite conducted by ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities every fall.”
Read the article and post your comment:
For more information about Kaporos and the campaign to replace chickens with compassionate symbols of atonement, including our Petition to Replace
Chickens with Money in Kaporos Rituals, please visit www.EndChickensAsKaporos.com.
If you haven’t yet signed our Petition, please do, and circulate it to your friends – all friends of animals – for their signatures.
Thank you for being a Compassionate Voice for Chickens.